This is the last period, but Alakh is not able to concentrate on her lecture. Instead of focusing on her lecture, she is constantly looking at her wristwatch. Yuvraj and Alakh are pursuing MBA degrees from a highly reputed college in Mumbai. Yuvraj is in the MBA final year, and Alakh is in the MBA previous; being in the same college, they are always together. With the ringing bell of the ending period, Alakh quickly collects her belongings and immediately walks out of the room in a hurry.

She is descending from the staircase at a rapid pace so that she can quickly reach Yuvraj's car as soon as possible because he is waiting for her there. But because Rashmi calls her from behind, she keeps standing there, but her eyes are stuck on her wrist watch because she knows very well he will be very angry if she does not reach there on time. Rashmi immediately rushes towards her, giving her a tight hug, and she responds with joy, jumping like a child.

"You know finally .... Atul proposed to me last night."

After listening to her, Alakh becomes overjoyed and immediately enfolds her in her arms, tightly teasing her in a manner reminiscent of childhood.

"Wow ... I am thrilled for you. My best friends are now together... But I miss..."

"Only for her, I am also here ...... "

She even completes her sentence. Atul's voice calls their attention; they don't know when he last stood near them. Alakh smiles and extends her hand to congratulate him.

"Oh, why not ... Congratulations, sir.... Finally you both are officially dating…. "

" Yeah…"

They both say together with a beaming smile while hugging her in a group hug. Alakh was filled with joy; it was her first time meeting them in what felt like ten years. Alakh has become so busy talking to both of them that she has no idea of time at all. Here in the parking lot, Yuvraj does not find Alakh, so he waits for a while, but soon he comes inside to find her. Yuvraj is coming there looking for Alakh because he made some plans for both of them, but when he sees Alakh smiling and talking to her childhood friends, he gets very angry. He puts both hands in his pockets and moves towards them with meticulous steps; his eyes are red because of anger. He has stood there, very close to behind her; Alakh has become silent when she realizes that he is standing behind her. Her breath stuck in her throat. She is about to turn to see him, but he places his hand on her waist; she closes her eyes because she knows what comes next. He speaks in a high-pitched voice.

"Why do you always have so much fun in the company of others, sweetheart? We are also your loved ones; spend some time with me, too. Am I that bad that I don't deserve your smile?"

Alakh tries to raise her eyes and look around, but she is extremely embarrassed by Yuvraj's behavior and tries to say something.

"Yuv actually ... "

Yuvraj presses her more into himself by holding Alakh's waist with his rough grip so tightly that even air cannot pass between them. While gritting his teeth, he looks into her eyes and says very loudly.

"Yes... Sweetheart, what...?"

Atul doesn't like the behavior of Yuvraj toward his friend, so he always tries to talk in between them. Atul has been with Alakh since childhood, and he cannot see his friend getting this type of treatment. He immediately interrupts Yuvraj.

"You know very well that they have been my good friends since our school days…."

Yuvraj does not allow him to complete his words even before he says them out loud without turning to him.

"Put an end to your school friendship; you are no longer a little girl in school … sweetheart …"

He looks at Alakh and says very loudly. Both Atul and Rashmi dislike Yuvraj's words and that Alakh is humiliated in public. Rashmi knows very well that she is not ready for this relationship, but she could not say anything in front of her father. Rashmi looks at her friend because of all these things; her condition is very bad, everyone is staring at her, due to which she has also kept her eyes bowed in embarrassment. Rashmi immediately tries to explain to Yuvraj very calmly.

"Hey, dude, chill... I know that you are her fiancé, but this is not the right way you are treating her…. If you love her first, look at your behavior...."

Yuvraj removes his hand from Alakh's waist and folds it across his chest. He then stands straight in front of Rashmi, looks into her eyes, and speaks very dominantly.

"You will teach me how I should talk or behave with my future wife, huh…. She is mine…. And I know everything better than you... so stay away..."

Alakh knows that it is very difficult to convince Yuvraj, but she is thrilled that at least her friend is doing this for her. Rashmi attempts to persuade him once more, but the situation has now become extremely chaotic.

"Look, Yuvraj..."

"Don't you dare…"

Before Rashmi can say anything, Yuvraj silences her. No one present has expressed any appreciation for Yuvraj's action, yet no one feels inclined to express their thoughts to him. Atul approaches Rashmi as if he were a protective wall, gazes directly into Yuvraj's eyes, and then speaks.

"Control your crazy mind, or else you will lose whatever you have… Beware of whatever you are saying about anything…"

Alakh knows very well that if they continue their argument, this thing will go very far, so she stands between them and tells Atul to convince him because she doesn't want her friends to have any problems because of her. And more importantly, she knows at least she can convince Atul rather than Yuvraj.

"Look Atul, behave yourself because he is my fiancé…. I am very happy for both of you .… Once again, congratulations, and I am on my way."

She immediately turns towards Yuvraj, not looking at his face, but instead holding his hand and speaking softly.

"Let's go... we are getting late."

Yuvraj is very happy with this kind of behavior from Alakh, but after listening to Atul, he is fully out of control of his anger, which is not calm at all after listening to her words. He grabs Atul's collar and pulls him close, looking into his eyes, and shouts in his face.

"Did you listen ... Don't you dare to come between us… She is mine... She is only made for me......."

And without giving him a chance, he starts beating him like a pulp. Everyone comes there and tries hard to get a toll out of Yuvraj's hold, but Yuvraj's grip on Atul is much harder than they think.

"Yuv, leave him... leave him."

Alakh continuously tried her best to stop this baseless fight. She tries to calm him, but he is totally out of control. At last, she hugs him tightly because she knows at least he did not hurt her. Yuvraj is breathing very heavily after beating him continuously, but now his anger is in control. He is smiling now because, for the first time, she hugs him, and he hugs her back without any delay. He then holds her waist possessively. Yuvraj is holding Alakh in such a way that he has won a valuable trophy in a match. Yuvraj's behavior forces Alakh to endure the same humiliation every day.

She turns and looks towards Rashmi, who is currently trying to take care of Atul, who is in bad condition at this moment because of Yuvraj's beating. Rashmi is actively cleaning the blood from Atul's face, yet Atul's gaze remains fixed on his friend's face. She is apologizing to him through her eyes, her chin quivering as she realizes that every time she starts crying, Atul does not like his friend's condition at all. He wants to help her, but he has come to understand that every effort he makes will only exacerbate her condition. Yuvraj's gaze is fixed on Atul, indicating that he is still focused on Alakh. Yuvraj gestures with his index finger at Atul, conveying a warning tone.

"Don't you dare come in between us, and remember that she is always mine… She doesn't need a friend like you; I am enough for her, so continue your friendship with her now.

He holds her waist in his tight grip and moves from there while dragging her with him. Alakh is also walking with him at the same pace, trying to match his fast steps. She doesn't want to cry in front of him, but her eyes betray her very badly. Yuvraj knows she feels humiliated, and now she is crying. He stands in front of her and lovingly holds her face with lots of care and slightly lifts her face to look into her eyes and says,.

"I love you, baby ... I love you very much, and I don't want anyone to be around you except me... I just want to see you with me… I don't like it at all if someone comes around you."

But today Alakh does not want to listen to him; she controls her crying voice and tells him without any second thought.

"I want to go..."

Yuvraj keeps quiet after listening to her slight crying voice and regretting that he made her cry, which he didn't like at all; he moves back a little bit, then turns around.

"Whenever I tell you I love you…. you never tell me that I love you too… But today…"

When he turns to Alakh again, she is nowhere to be found. He searches everywhere. He calls out to her loudly.



He immediately pulls out his mobile and dials her number to reach her; within a few rings, she picks up her phone and responds without listening to him.

"Yuvv, I will take a cab and go home by myself. You don't need to follow me. I want to be alone for a while, please. It's a small request...."

She disconnects her phone immediately. Yuvraj attempts to dial her number once more, but it remains switched off.



Alakh is moving with Yuvraj at the same speed as him, but her mind is not at all with her this time; she was very engrossed with the thoughts of humiliation that happened just a few moments ago. Since the day she announced her engagement to Yuvraj, she has consistently faced humiliation. Earlier, before she got Yuvraj, she was a very talkative and bold girl. She used to keep everything in front of everyone very well with a lot of confidence.

But for the last 6 months, due to Yuvraj's dominating personality, her existence has been lost somewhere; she remains upset all the time and silently accepts the words of Yuvraj without any argument. But today, Yuvraj's dominating personality has shattered all her patience, leaving her feeling utterly broken. Yuvraj's actions, motivated by his perceived jealousy, have left her feeling completely broken. At least he has to listen to her. She knows very well that Yuvraj is very possessive about her, but his way of controlling her has become beyond her tolerance. She is totally lost in her thoughts, but she realizes the reality when Yuvraj stands her in front of him and tells her.

"I love you, baby ... I love you very much, and I don't want anyone to be around you except me....."

Alakh gazes at him and contemplates her own thoughts.

Is this love? … I never feel your love.

Doesn't want to stay there with him at all; she wants to spend some time alone with herself, he says while controlling her cry.

"I want to go ......"

Yuvraj keeps quiet after listening to her move back a little bit and then turns around. As soon as Yuvraj turns his back toward her, she immediately leaves. For a while, she doesn't want to be with Yuvraj at all. She is upset for a long time, and she cannot share her problem with anyone, not even with her brother. She is attempting to leave college as quickly as possible due to the intense scrutiny she feels, and she is aware of the reasons behind this. Then her phone starts ringing. She takes out her mobile, and it's Yuvraj's call. She knows very well that if she does not pick up Yuvraj's phone, then he will keep calling her constantly, so she picks up his phone. Before Yuvraj asks or says anything to her, Alakh dares to tell him her wish.

"Yuvv, I will take a cab and go home by myself. You don't need to follow me. I want to be alone for a while, please. It's a small request."

And without hearing Yuvraj's answer, she immediately disconnects the phone and switches off her mobile at the same time. She is moving very fast to calm herself. She continues to walk without thinking of where she is going. After a while, she finds herself in front of a park. She stands in front of the park for two minutes and looks inside, like she is searching for something very precious. Upon seeing the children playing in the park, she instinctively moved inside.

Children who are living in nearby slums are playing leisurely there. They engage in play, carefree, in their own little world. Seeing those children playing with each other without any worry about the world or anything, Alakh has a lovely smile on her face. Alakh sits quietly there and looks at them with enormous affection. She also wants to play with them and forget the worries of the world like they do, but she can't; she doesn't know what stops her. However, she sits quietly and focuses solely on them, causing her smile to grow with each passing minute.



He's sitting in his car with his head on the headrest and his eyes closed to calm himself; he hates that Alakh should be upset about anything. That is when his phone rings, and he immediately picks it up without delay.


"Sir, Mam was very upset, but right now she is looking very calm."

Alakh is fine; a very beautiful smile forms on his face as soon as he hears this. He asks him very leisurely with his eyes closed.

"Where is she at this moment?"

"Sir, she is sitting in the park at the moment and watching the children playing there…. As you know very well, Mam can't stay angry for long; she always finds something to calm herself down."

"Is she ok now?"

"Perhaps it's because she's smiling after seeing the children playing, sir."

"Fine, don't leave her for a second."

"Don't worry, sir; I know very well that Mam is very important for you, and you are my boss, and every command of yours is my life." I am always walking with Mam like her shadow without her knowledge."

"That is what I appreciate the most: you have been working for me for the last 4 years, yet she never came to know that round the clock, someone lives with her like a shadow… I want to see her smiling face…."

"Ok, sir, I'll send you her pics."

He disconnects the phone, and after a while, his mobile beeps with the sound of message tones regularly. He opens his WhatsApp and looks at the photos, and a very wide smile forms on his lips.

"Your smile is very precious to me…. I don't like a single tear in your eyes; keep smiling, my angel."

Then he put his lips on the mobile screen to kiss her photo on his mobile like he is kissing her.

"You don't know how much I love you, Alakh .... One day I will really tell you how much I love you…. I wish I could come to you right now and hug you… You are my life, and it becomes unbearable to see my life sad like this..."

He adjusts his mobile on the desktop of his car with a smile on his face, then starts the car and moves forward.


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Shruti Gajendra 🧿

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Shruti Gajendra 🧿

A person with weird imagination, love to weaving new story every second